Impact Stories

With your help, DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library (DCPL) offers fun and engag­ing pro­grams for patrons of all ages. Par­tic­i­pants and staff love to share how Foun­da­tion-fund­ed pro­grams make an impact. 

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

John’s mom, Stephanie, shared with us they start­ed the 1000 Books pro­gram when John was three. He is four and a half now. He loves to read three to four books each night. His pre‑K teacher tells his mom that John is the first one to raise his hand dur­ing sto­ry­time to ask or answer ques­tions. Stephanie said par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gram made her more aware of how impor­tant it is to read togeth­er, and to read more. She said she may have only just read one book a night if she had not learned of the pro­gram. She says John often now requests five books a night! Stephanie is so glad the library offers this ini­tia­tive as it keeps kids off phones and oth­er tech­nol­o­gy and allows them to use their imagination. 

She pre­dicts John will com­plete 1000 books in the spring of 2025 well before start­ing Kindergarten! 

Fam­i­lies record their progress either on paper logs pro­vid­ed in the starter kit or on Beanstack, DCPL’s elec­tron­ic read­ing track­er. In 2024, there were 578 active fam­i­lies in Beanstack par­tic­i­pat­ing in 1000 Books Before Kinder­garten and 39 fam­i­lies com­plet­ed read­ing 1000 books in 2024

Take the Inter­net Home with You Initiative

The DeKalb Library Foun­da­tion funds close to 300 hotspot devices avail­able for check out across DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s 23 library loca­tions. More than 1,900 patrons ben­e­fit­ted from this ser­vice over the past year. In our year­ly sur­vey, more than 80% of respond­ing hotspot users shared they have lim­it­ed to no inter­net access in their homes. Patrons also shared how impor­tant this ser­vice is to them: 100% of the respon­dents to the sur­vey indi­cat­ed the hotspot ser­vice makes a dif­fer­ence in their lives. Addi­tion­al­ly, we spoke per­son­al­ly with many of the sur­vey respon­dents, and they told us in detail just how impact­ful this ini­tia­tive is to them and their fam­i­lies. Bren­da shared: The hotspot helped me to remain gain­ful­ly employed. I work from home, and I need to be able to con­nect to the inter­net. I would real­ly be stretch­ing my finances if I had to pay for the inter­net. The hotspot pro­gram is won­der­ful.” Yolan­da was so excit­ed to share her expe­ri­ence with us: I was laid off, so I decid­ed to go back to school. The hotspot allowed me to study and study and study. I was able to study on my lunch breaks and at night. I passed my tests! I would not have been able to do it otherwise.”