

Brenda - Hotspot User

100% of users sur­veyed say the Take the Inter­net Home with You ini­tia­tive makes a dif­fer­ence in their lives.

Bren­da cred­its the hotspot pro­gram with help­ing her main­tain her employ­ment. She often must work from home, but she does not have inter­net in her house. I would real­ly be stretch­ing my finances if I had to add an inter­net con­nec­tion to my month­ly bills,” she said. The hotspot pro­gram is wonderful!” 

Since 2017, the DeKalb Library Foun­da­tion has pro­vid­ed the fund­ing which allows DCPL to offer mobile hotspot devices for check out. Each year, thou­sands of patrons ben­e­fit from this spe­cial ini­tia­tive. Annu­al sur­vey results reveal many users have lim­it­ed or no inter­net access in their homes.

Thanks to your gen­er­ous con­tri­bu­tions, the Con­nect Your Com­mu­ni­ty cam­paign raised more than $25,000 to sup­port mobile hotspot devices at DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library.

Thank you for sup­port­ing the library’s efforts to strength­en our community.