Circles of Giving

Many thanks to the fol­low­ing indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions for sup­port­ing us at the var­i­ous Cir­cles of Giv­ing lev­els in 2024

Literati Cir­cle

Jan Carter
Jonathan Chaires and Deb­o­rah Levine
Estate of Sal­ly J. Eggle­ston
Frances Wood Wil­son Foun­da­tion
Friends of the North­lake-Bar­bara Loar Library
Kares 4 Kids Part­ners
Kate and Robert Kennedy
Anne Kern­er and Ted Waters
LuluMa Foun­da­tion
Joseph Man­dari­no and Stephanie Ward
Mary Allen Lind­sey Branan Foun­da­tion
Mary Rice Liv­ing Trust
Save The Libraries Foundation

Schol­ars Cir­cle

Atlanta Foun­da­tion
Decatur Rotary Club
Alice Dom­by
Mary Brown Fund of Atlanta
Li Liu and Conor McNal­ly
Arthur Ratliff
Bruce and Bar­bara Rib­n­er
Tim and Amy Rid­er
Kris­tine Rudolph
Stephanie and Joe Weishaar

Pub­lish­ers Circle 

Ann Marie Baggett
Susan Bar­rett
Natal­ie B. Bern­stein
Jen­nifer Carv­er
Jas­mine K. Chang
Mil­dred Cody
Lar­ry and Lois Cur­ry
Doug and Chris­tine Davis
Harold and San­dra Dick­er­son
Mary Ann Dodd
Con­nie Down­ing
Cather­ine Fike
Scott and Sara Fowler
Friends of the Dun­woody Library
There­sa Gille­spie
Mar­garet Graff and Richard Hig­gins
Sharon Gri­d­ley
Joanne Hauser­man
Angela Huynh and Richard Bakare
Nan­cy Jor­dan
Vic­ki Karnes and Beth Lot­ter­hos
Karen A. Kroeger
Bri­an W. LaBrie
Lau­ra Lin­de­man
Peter Lind­say and Kate Binzen
Mol­ly and Scott Mar­rah
Scott McAuley
Han­nah McCord
Peg­gy Mer­riss
Mind Bub­ble
Maria Mirabel­li
Michele NeSmith
Anne Nicol­son
North­ern New York Library Net­work
Edith W. Pad­gette
Par­ty Ani­mals Atlanta
Pay­Pal Giv­ing Fund
Pedi­atric Foun­da­tion of Geor­gia, Inc.
Guy and Char­lotte Pfeif­fer
Lynne Pick­ens
Mar­i­on Reynolds Pow­ell
Pamela Priv­ette
Sumathi Ramachan­dran
Char­lotte Redo
Deb­o­rah G. Robin­son
Eliz­a­beth and Matthew Rose
Ted Ruben­stein
Pamela Ryan
Shara and Gar­rett Sanders
The Screen Porch Foun­da­tion
Star­bucks Foun­da­tion: Neigh­bor­hood Grants Fund
Chad Swan­son
Thomas B. and Jo Logan Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion
Eliz­a­beth W. Thomas
Stephanie J. Van Parys
Lance Waller
Ali­son and Chris Weissinger
Angela C. White
Ed and Sarah Wiley
Pamela Wood­ley and Per­ry Mitchell

Authors Cir­cle

James P. Alexan­der
Alvaro Alon­so
Jane Watt Bal­s­ley and William Jarvis Ellis
Patri­cia Bauer
John and Hol­ly Ben­nett
Kevin Brill
Mitch Cost­ley
Eli­nor Perky” Daniel
Nan­cy Franklin
Geor­gia Romance Writ­ers, Inc.
Bar­bara Gif­ford
Annie God­frey and Jack Kit­tle
Andrew God­frey-Kit­tle
Bon­nie J.P. Greene
Anne-Marie Happe
Michael Harbin and Rowe­na Wor­rall
Susanne W. Howe
Nan­cy and Edward Hud­gins
Car­olyn and Rob John­son
Ran­dall and Amy Kirsch
Cather­ine Laut­en­bach­er
Anne Lern­er
Lau­ra Lones
Lind­say Lyons
Susan and Bradley Male­mez­ian
Les­ley McClure
Eliz­a­beth and Patrick Moore
Car­ol Mor­gan
Vee Nel­son
New York Life
Jef­frey Paris
Vin­cent Pomeroy
Debra and Scott Pyron
Roger and Joan­na Quillen
Louise H. Reaves
Kim­ber­ly Samp­son
Car­ran Schnei­der
Schwab Char­i­ta­ble
Chris Sidor and Bob­bi Kay
F. Albert and Karen Skel­lie
Kathy Toma­jko
Deb­bie Tor­bush
Chris­tine Try­ba-Cofrin
William and Rhon­da Ward
Ani­ta Wathen-Brown­lee
Dar­ro and Huyen Wil­ley
Tyler Wise­man

Read­ers Circle

Kathryn R. Adams
Ajit and Trip­ti Yoganathan Char­i­ta­ble Fund
Dwayne C. Ange­lo
Bev­er­ly Armen­to
Car­rie Armis­tead
Antoine H. and Frances T. Ayoub
Susan D. Bak­er
Car­ol P. Bartlett
Cyn­de Beck­n­er
Yolan­da Bell
Mark Bid­dle and Karen Gold­en-Bid­dle
Julie Bin­ney
Jen­ni and Dana Blanken­horn
San­dra and David Block
Karen Brig­gs
James Ronald Broad­way
Erin Brooks
Stephen Cain
Jamie Aviend­ha Calderon
Lor­raine Rooks Cary
Jen­nifer Casarel­la
Christi Cas­sel and Bryan Skeen
Jere­my Chris­tensen
Felix Chu
Cathy Clark
Nao­mi Clark
Karen Cob­ham-Owens
Charles and Eliz­a­beth Cohn
G. Mark Cole
Kather­ine Sin­gley Dan­nen­berg
Car­men Deedy and John McCutcheon
Gayle Propes Den­ton
Por­tia and Char­lie Dischinger
Dun­woody Wom­an’s Club
Cindy Evans
Edwin Ewing
Char­lene Fang
Clau­dia Fedarko and Stephen Hadler
Amy Figueroa
Tanya Frazee
Mary L. Gar­ner
Mary J. Gar­rett
Allen Gins­berg
Cathy God­win
George Grills
Kat Hedrick
Nan­cy Hicks
Jaca­lyn D. High­tow­er
Susan and Chris Hodges
Hunter Fam­i­ly Fund
Lynn Shevonne Jef­fer­son
Jill Joplin
William and Jen­nifer Kaduck
Judith and Leslie Klem­per­er
Bri­an A. Klems
Muriel Knope
Sharon Lan­dis
Adi­na Langer
Ann H. Lan­ner
John Lawrence
Bren­da Led­er
Shirley Lee
Lisa W. Lefkovits
Geral­dine L. Lut­trell
Don­na Mann
Tim Mar­tin
Fred­er­ic­ka Too­ley McGhee
Kath­leen McHugh
Christi­na McPhillips
Eve­lyn W. Menne
Steven Metchis
Gina Lou Mor­gan
Jonathan Mor­ton
Doyle and Pat Mote
Suzanne K. Nie­man
Marie and Eric Nitschke
Emi­ly Novic­ki
Mar­guerite Paul
Anne Payne
Fran­cis Petrus
Patri­cia Pharo
Bar­bara Pierce
Jaan­ki Puro­hit
LeeAnne M. Richard­son
Gail Ronan
Rose Anne Rudd
Ann and Steve Rush­ing
Hugh Sax­on
Kather­ine Schar­er
Edward A. Scheer
Mary Scott
Bar­bara Sher­man
Susan D. Small
Peter Smith
Kiesha R. Storey
Ryan Sum­mers
Loret­ta Ten­nyson
Ryan Paul Thay­er
William Thomas
Ray­mun­do Tinoco, Jr.
Jill Warn­er
Otis O. White
John F. Whit­te­more
George and Judy Wieder
Jonathan Gra­ham Williams
Mar­garet and John Will­ing­ham
Robert E. and Lyn­da Wil­son
Michael L. Wit­ten
Elisa Wong
Pamela A. Wuichet
Kathryn H. Zuehlke