Impact Videos

Vir­ginia Mil­ner shares what she loves about her Jew­el­ry with Gin” program.

Cyn­thi­a’s son used a hotspot to work from home. Her daugh­ter oper­at­ed her online busi­ness with one until they saved the funds for home inter­net. She shares her appre­ci­a­tion for the program.

The hotspot ini­tia­tive helped Mar­quise dur­ing a time that she need­ed it.

Gil shares the ways he uses the hotspot.

Sarah shares how the hotspot pro­gram keeps her connected.

Annabelle and Jack­son excit­ed­ly describe their favorite library programs.

New librar­i­ans share how they pro­vid­ed a resource for the community. 

Cindy shares how DCPL hotspots have helped her chil­dren stay con­nect­ed to school.

Our hotspots have recharge­able bat­ter­ies, so patrons can stay online even when the pow­er is out. LeLi­ta explains why that’s important.

Thearon shares how the hotspot saves him mon­ey and pro­vides edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties for his children.

Ruthie’s craft and STEAM kits are the most request­ed item at the Clark­ston Library. Learn about all her programs.

Spots in Maveita’s pop­u­lar craft pro­grams at the Scott Can­dler Library fill up quick­ly. Find out more.

Amy installed DCPL’s first Sto­ry­Walk. Learn about it here! 

Kahlil is a rock­star among teens and tweens at the Wes­ley Chapel-William C. Brown Library. Learn about his Read­ing Rebels Book Club and his men­tor­ship program.

It’s fun to fol­low along with Gin. She keeps it enjoy­able and fun!” — Kate

I can find books about ANY­THING!” — Logan

My favorite thing about the read­ing bowl is that you get to read ALL these books, and I am a read-o-mani­ac!” — Priya

I’ve been com­ing to the library my whole life…and now I’m par­ty of the team!” — Ivie

My favorite library sys­tem is the DeKalb Coun­ty sys­tem, of course…I love going to the Decatur branch…” — Karin Slaughter

When you read, you gain knowl­edge. And knowl­edge is pow­er and no one can take that away from you.” — Monyet­ta Shaw

Grow­ing up, libraries were my favorite place to be. It’s where I fell in love with the writ­ten word and where I was inspired to tell my own sto­ries.” — Aisha Saeed

Do not take your local library for grant­ed.” — Antho­ny Grooms

I’ve been using DeKalb Library since I was a boy grow­ing up in south Decatur.” — Jim Auchmutey

I’m a writer today because of libraries.” — Mary Kay Andrews

I tru­ly con­sid­er the library to be a touch­stone of a curi­ous exis­tence.” — Zoe Fishman

The library…here is where you can find enter­tain­ment, infor­ma­tion, inspi­ra­tion. It’s where we can all become active and informed cit­i­zens. Can you think of a bet­ter resource in your com­mu­ni­ty? I can’t.” — John McCutcheon

If you read my books, you know how impor­tant libraries are to me…They’re places where the com­mu­ni­ty gets together…everything that the library does is good for the com­mu­ni­ty. And, why would­n’t you sup­port that?” — Karin Slaughter